Day 3!! 3 you have officially kicked my butt!! I woke up around 4am pretty sore so I got some more pain meds and ice and passed back out. My mom took me to my house to get some more clothes and I decided to take a bath while I was there. BAD IDEA! It was fine until I leaned back to wash my hair and at that point I thought I was going to suffocate. No good. Following along with the bad ideas, my daughter had a birthday party to go to this afternoon at a horse stable. I definitely should have sat that one out. We got back to my moms house, I had some trusty mashed potatoes, loaded up on meds and ice, and hit the pillow filled bed.
This is the best way I can describe to you how the day has played out haha
I don't know who you are, but thank you for these posts. My twins are getting their tonsils out next week, and I'm trying to prep for it. People on pinterest have this post on your blog for prep for tonsil removal. Again, thanks!